
                                                 E-mails I Received BEFORE Titus Died


I never doubted that hundreds of people were looking for Titus – because they were sending me e-mails!  Not only that, but I was getting all kinds of suggestions from dog lovers near and far.  Here are their e-mails originally posted on this site.



What People are Saying and Suggesting about the Lost Dog TITUS – BEFORE Titus Went to Heaven


I just wanted to let you know, I recieved your Godsinsomeaniac here in North Pole, alaska.  My sister in law sent it as she and my brother are out looking for Titus daily on their way to work and side trips.  They are concerned for you and Titus... I am thinking good thoughts and  praying you find him....Wish I could be there to help.. 


I have been watching for and praying for you and Titus.  I own and enjoy 3 dogs now live right in his area.  Actually 98th Townsend and have been searching on every walk, every outing I go on with and without the dogs.  My heart and soul break for you and hope this all ends soon and happily.  But like you have said it is not in your control at this point.  This is a long time lost and he must have a guardian angle watching out for him.  If only he would trust just one person to let himself be rescued.  I cant wait for the day I check your site and see Status FOUND.


Have you considered using a bloodhound to track Titus?  Perhaps a local bloodhound owner would volunteer such services if you have a good smell sample and you can get them (owner and hound) to a probable sighting location in a reasonable amount of time.  Just a thought.  My wife's idea.


This is a very simple suggestion, but maybe it will be useful. When Titus is sited, he runs away.  When my dog is not coming to me when I'm calling him, I squat down and call him and he comes over running with excitement.  I don't know if he feels less intimated when I am squatting or if he thinks this means playtime, or exactly what the deal is, but that always gets him to come to me. I was thinking that maybe when he is sighted, the person could squat down and say "come here Titus"... he might see this as less of a threat.  I don't know what you think of that, so do with it what you will.  All that being said, I just want you to know how inspiring you have been for me personally.  Not only does this experience show how much you love and care for Titus, but I am amazed at your perseverance and dedication.  Your energy, sense of humor, faith, and general attitude are admirable.  And I love your take charge attitude, instead of just sitting back helpless, you are being proactive. Again, I'm truly inspired.


I don't appreciate having a flyer about your lost dog put on/in my mail box AND taped with masking tape to my back door window.   Please ask your volunteers to not do this.  I understand your need to get the word out about your lost dog, but that is too much. Taping things to someone's personal and private property is totally obnoxious and way out of line on your part.  Putting it in one place is more than enough.


I can hear the defeat creeping into your thoughts.  PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't give up!  You have to find your baby.  He is desperately looking for you.  I check first thing in the morning,  during the day and last thing before I go to bed to see if you have any good news for us.  I pray to keep Titus safe until you have found each other.  I live in Canada,  I can't do anything to help but pray.  So that is what I do for you and Titus.  Please do not give up on him, I'm not. 


We're so sorry to hear about Titus being lost. Our family has been searching alongside many others. As an urban explorer I know the area in detail. Today I will check the culverts, drains, bridges, and ditches in the areas where sightings have occurred. There are many cozy and safe spots he could be holing up.


We've been praying for Titus to be found, and I can only imagine what kind of a toll this is having on you. Keep tapping into your faith and we'll keep sending you the strength you need to keep going. My hope is that there will be 2 Easter stories, our risen Lord Jesus Christ and Titus being found.


Thank you for the beautiful paragraph you wrote today, expressing your thanks to all who have helped in the search for Titus.  You're sentiments about letting go and trust were especially touching and certainly struck a chord with me.  As the wise person once said  "Take the action and turn over the results."  I'm not surprised that so many people are "showing up" in big and little ways to help Titus find his way home-- you've mounted an incredible campaign.  What energy you have.


I hope you are able to keep your hopes up.  We are all praying for you and circulating your story on Facebook.  My cousin just circulated it to a biking group that regularly rides to oak leaf trail.  We hope for you and Titus to reunite almost as much as you do!  May this be the weekend it happens!!!


DJ, I have been following your blog, and I keep hoping that your traps or someone will call you with him.  He seems likehe will not surrender to anyone but you!   You could be a writer though, as I find your posts to be very informative, upbeat and interesting....and its always good to have great communication skills.  You are both in my prayers for a safe recovery. 


I'm retracing the path north from the dog park and I've gone by both schools and through the cemetary twice today.  So far I today I have encountered 7 deer  If Titus liked deers I would have found him a long time ago! Ducks, geese or cats would work too.  Tons of those!  I read your latest post. Now remember, no news is no news.


Just wanted to let you know that we're keeping you in our thoughts and that I'm still looking for Titus.  When I talked with you that Friday night, I had no idea that you two would not yet be reunited!  You are such a great dad for perservering the way you are.  And it is heartwarming to see how many people are following the story and are interested in helping you :)  All the comments you've posted on the site make me cry but really how cool that you are receiving responses from all over the country!

Can’t even recall how I came to be aware of your efforts to find Titus.  But I bookmarked your webpage and have been checking the status every morning – just waiting to see Status:  FOUND!  Your update this morning was deeply sad – I’m so sorry Titus hasn’t yet found a way to reconnect with you.  But glad to see you’re planning another Flyer Frenzy tomorrow.  Wish I could do something to help.  But since I’m in PA, I’ll just continue sending GOOD ENERGY your way for a happy outcome very soon!  Being a person of action myself, I admire immensely the way you’ve approached this….leaving no stone unturned.  (Think about it – you’ve gotten the attention of someone as far away as PA…and who knows where else?!)   So from afar I can only offer the suggestion that perhaps taking time to be still and quiet might be helpful.  Not sure if you’re one for meditation or quiet reflection, but it’s possible that stepping away from the frenzy & frantic mode will allow Titus to sense your energy and connection to him…and he will find you!  I appreciate the need to keep up with all the other activity (I’d be doing the same thing), but maybe some focused psychic energy in the midst of quiet and calm will help.  I sure hope so!  Feel the positive energy coming your way!  Be strong.  Hold the course.  Keep focused on the vision.  (And good luck, too!) - Pennsylvania


I felt compelled to write and tell you that we check your website regularly hoping to see the status changed from lost to FOUND!  Several years ago, our beloved chocolate lab, Bubba, was missing for several weeks.  He came to my mother's home (had he even ever been there?) dragging a chain.  Our pets' senses of survival are amazing.  I have no doubt that Titus will return home soon.  Your faith in God over this Easter weekend is very inspirational for us.  -Ohio

I find myself checking your blog a few times a day, and hope to read a different status-report.  I myself drove around the mentioned areas in hope to find your Titus.  Now I have a "wild thought": is it possible that Bloodhounds could find him? Just a thought.
I will be driving again the "neighborhoods", and also pray, that you will be reunited with your Best Friend Titus.


Read the site. Cried like mad....now playing hooky to walk the trails with cheeseburgers....Don't give up.


I have errands to run today, I am going to hit up the stores in the north. I re routed my trip so i can include Titus looking Time to and from. I got my eyes peeled like bananas !"


My heart goes out to you in your search for Titus.  A friend here in Colorado noticed your page and sent it to me.   I wanted to ask if you had tried www.lostmydoggie.com.   It is a reverse call system that can target any area in the US to alert household members to watch for a lost pet and gives them the info to contact if they see Titus.  They have a pretty high find rate.   I just wanted to make the suggestion in case you hadn't tried this.  I know this is a reliable service.  A good friend of mine who has worked in the field of animal welfare for years makes the phone calls and I can assure you, takes locating lost animals very seriously.  I have friends who have Ridgebacks and I know they are wonderful dogs and I can see how one might be very hard to track down. 


Love, love, love that you are using your website as an opportunity to witness God’s love to you.  What a great idea!


I want to write to encourage you. The pain you feel about your dog has opened my heart and eyes to our relationship to God. Although I feel so sad for you for the pain that you are going through I have realized that we are all often Titus. We run from God, who is a loving owner. He wants to feed and shelter us and take care of us and it can be so much easier yet we often keep running away. He brings all these people into our lives who look for us to help us and yet we still run. I don't write this to discourage you but to tell you that you don't know how many others there are out there who read your website or the things you speak of and how it impacts them eternally in a good way for Christ. I want you to know that I think you are brave and I continue to pray for your and your dog but today I am so thankful that God allowed me to see this. It's one of those paradoxes that through your terrible situation, I am able to see what God is like.


Wow, I am sitting here sobbing with goosebumps. What incredible words you wrote in your blog.


I have been thinking about you and Titus EVERY day and praying for his safe return.  I passed along the info at work (Burleigh Road Animal Hospital in Brookfield), and I keep my eyes peeled when I am at Froedtert every Tuesday, since there is a little park area on the grounds with ponds.  I am off tomorrow, so if there is anything I can do to help out, let me know.  I have a feeling you are going to find him.


My friend sent me your website about Titus.  Last Friday around 8:30am (April 15) I think I saw him on Courtland Ave 2 blocks east of Hwy 100.  I called my husband and told him I saw a young deer.  I circled around the block but lost him.  We live on 106 and Courtland Ave and are dog people.  We have found many lost dogs so we will keep our eyes open diligently and do some searching on our own.  (I would be terribly sad if our dog Sofia was lost).  Are there any special treats we could keep in our car in case we spot him.  We will put Titus in our prayers.


We had treats last night – good ole jerky and bill jacks – we will be keeping them in our vehicle!  We are also carrying an extra leash just in case.  I know you say to call you (I have you programmed into my phone).  I am kind of hoping that the rain may make him more willing to come out when called.  I am not much of a fan of rain or cold but then again, I am guessing he is not either, all the more motivation to go.  If I had all the time in the world I would be out there looking for him as I would be looking for my own dog – however the best I can do is after work.  If there is anything else we can do, please let me know!


I have 3 Ridgebacks of my own, I am praying so hard for you!  I won't stop until he is home.  My heart is with you both.


Just a suggestion; have people give their US mail person a flyer, UPS, etc.  Will keep our eyes open. 


I have been following your blog, looking for Titus and praying for his safe return.  Have you given any thought to hiring a search dog to help pick up Titus' trail? I know that there are search dogs that help locate missing dogs, but  I don't know if there are any in the area that you could hire.  If finances are a consideration, I would be more that happy to help with the cost. 


I don't know if this means anything but, the food I left out for Titus is gone this morning!  Nothing was eaten the night before but all gone this morning.  I'm going to go out and look around a bit this morning.  The more people looking the better!   I have dog food,some roast beef & water out on my front porch incase he stops here being that we live so close to the recent sightings.  I was planning on putting out my motion sensored camera tonight…I live just off 114th & Florist.


Still saying prayers for you and Titus. I hope that things are looking up for both of you.


Hi from Quebec, Just want to let you know that I check in daily to see if you caught him!  Sending positive energy from Montreal.  Oh we had a dog here that pulled a "Titus".  He was lost for 2 weeks during record breaking cold, snowy weather. He is safe and at home now :)


I am so sorry to hear that Titus ran off....I know you miss him and I know he will be home soon!  I have been checking your website daily and have been praying like crazy for you and Titus!  I just thought you might like to check this website out

http://www.lostdogsearch.com/spotthedog.htm ....it has excellent tips on what to do when Titus is spotted, especially for the people that are searching for Titus.  I hope this helps somewhat:)  Hang in there....I cannot imagine what you are going through but there are SO MANY kind, wonderful people out there helping you and praying for you and Titus.  All of us want him home for you.


You are sounding down and that is understandable but you and Mrs Rodrian have got to keep the faith! After that sighting last night it would have been great to hear of another confirmed Titus sighting but it didn't happen and that is not from anything that you haven't done or forgot to do. Remember that!  Keep your faith and try to stay positive and upbeat. Think of something funny. My dog in heat suggestion! Grin, giggle and make yourself laugh even if just for a little while.


i have a half day at work friday.  i was going to go out with my camera and shoot (still learning how to use my dslr) and i want to go out and look for titus. i have been following your story closely because i live so close to 94th and burleigh.  i hope to be walking the oak leaf trails with my camera  and i'll have your number in my phone in case of sighting. is there anything to say/do if i do see him? heartfully wanting to help. he's a great looking dog and you are an amazing parent!


Here's a stupid idea and please tell me if you think it is but here goes.  It's spring time and animals tend to mate during this time of year so females go in heat to attract mates. If you might be able to find a female in heat she does produce hormones which attract and entice males. Maybe a female in heat could attract Titus?


Heading out for a little walk on the trails...keep your fingers crossed for a Titus sighting!


I have been following your story for weeks now, and I check every day hoping today is the day Titus’s status changes to “found”.  There are so many of us sending our best wishes to you and Titus. I have been watching for him in the Madison school area, but it sounds like he is on the move northward. I will continue to watch for him until he is found.  I have told everyone to be on the lookout – I hope your reunion is very soon! 


I check your blog every morning and every night to see if you found Titus yet.  Being in Canada the only thing I can do is pray for you and your lovely pup, so that you can be reunited. 


Hi- my parents live off the Menomonee River Pkwy near the golf course. My mom brings her cell phone and treats with her on her morning walks daily in hopes of seeing Titus. I have given this advice to them as it was given to me by a trainer many years ago. From what I have read, it seems like Titus is a bit skittish. The trainer I worked with told me you should always lay or crouch on the ground and pretend you're eating something by cupping your hands onto the ground and making munching sounds. This way, you're on the ground in a submissive position and its less scary to the dog and hopefully enticing him with "food".   I think about you all often and pray for a good ending to this story. Hoping any advice might help.


Likewise, DJ, I am crying with you here in Nashville. My son said this morning, "We should jump in the car and go to Milwaukee." Maybe we should :)  You know what I have seen first hand, our dogs are walking with God.  Really they are.  They are so in touch with Him, it is mindblowing. Our Father created Titus, and Titus is moving in the Holy Spirit. It sounds crazy, but you are seeing the truth in that. Titus's life is on God's leash, and how awesome that he is being used by God right now as a messenger to the world that is watching. Titus is being more of an evangelist than I am!!!!!  Much love and prayers,DJ.  I am watching your blog constantly. It is an honor to stand with you and Titus in this adventure.


Re:  Walk Barefoot!  I have been following your posting online about your missing dog, Titus and SINCERELY wish you the best of luck finding him.  This was recently on another blog I read and I thought maybe you could try this. Titus might be searching for your smell.  http://www.lifewithdogs.tv/2011/04/barefoot-walkabout-brings-lost-dog-home/


Just wanted to drop you a note to say "wow," Nice job with the site and the search efforts! I'm in Florida on business but i just checked the site and watched the news coverage on youtube and im absolutely thrilled to see all the buzz!  And todays elementary school report is so encouraging - i love that he has a favorite tree! I hope you're hanging in there -I'm sure this is taxing on you and your family but I'm sure, in the end, it will all be worth it. I totally understand why you are going to such lengths, I would too if my boy were lost.


Just letting you know that my heart goes out to you. Me and my kids have been driving around the last two days on a Titus hunt :) My husband thinks I'm crazy. I am happy to say I've seen a lot more flyers up today! We will drive around again later today when we take dinner to Nana and Papa's house (110th and Hampton) so we will drive through prime Titus country.  Have you thought of putting together a searchparty for people to go out all at the same time? Create an event on FB and then assign areas? People that attend could send you their cell # and you could send mass text messages if he's spotted and people could respond according. Just a thought. I'd be in!

My parents live off the Menomonee River Pkwy near the golf course. My mom brings her cell phone and treats with her on her morning walks daily in hopes of seeing Titus. I have given this advice to them as it was given to me by a trainer many years ago. From what I have read, it seems like Titus is a bit skittish. The trainer I worked with told me you should always lay or crouch on the ground and pretend you're eating something by cupping your hands onto the ground and making munching sounds. This way, you're on the ground in a submissive position and its less scary to the dog and hopefully enticing him with "food".  I think about you all often and pray for a good ending to this story. Hoping any advice might help.


I have been thinking about you and Titus EVERY day and praying for his safe return.  I passed along the info at work (Burleigh Road Animal Hospital at 13725 W. Burleigh Rd in Brookfield), and I keep my eyes peeled when I am at Froedtert every Tuesday, since there is a little park area on the grounds with ponds.  I am off tomorrow, so if there is anything I can do to help out, let me know.  I have a feeling you are going to find him.


I don’t know much about the subject and it would probably be a long shot but would it work to find somebody who has an experienced tracking dog, give him Titus’ scent and see if he could track him? I don’t know if that would lead to where he is now or just send them looking all over the area where he has been lately?


Just moved to SC a couple months ago but am getting updates on Titus from my mom daily.  She and her 3 dogs are keeping an eye out for him!  Helping to spread the word for you to friends via FB.  Praying you find him soon!


My sister runs a horse boarding business and last year 16 horses where scared and broke out of the fenced area and took off and ran for miles.  They knew the area where they ran and did find most of the horses on a very cold December night with the help of many volunteers.  The horses  separated  and 3 horses were still missing the next morning.  An animal psychic was able to describe the 3 different locations of the missing horses and they were recovered.  I don’t know if you would be interested in trying this.  Good Luck, I know he will be found.


I have no idea how much this would cost but I would definitely be willing to pitch in.  Have you thought about contacting the Journal Sentinel to run a bigger sized ad (larger than the typical couple lines of text)? Or even providing them with a flyer to include in the paper?  Keep the faith!


You don't know us but we live just north of the Currie Dog Park, and are on the lookout for Titus. You may not realize it, but small aircraft fly directly over here all day, every day. Have you contacted anyone, or distributed flyers at Timmerman Airport? The trees are soon to bloom, making overhead surveilance more difficult soon. Also,you can see the open end of the trap located north of Capitol Drive, from the west bound lane. I checked that today. Good luck.


So happy that you had a sighting!  I anticipated what I was going to read before I read it...Please tell searchers not to call out to him...I know it is so difficult not to do..but lost dogs read all people as potential predators.  I know this sounds crazy...but, please don't call out to him in the area of a sighting..it will drive him further away.  If you or someone sees him, get down low...even lay on the ground, do not make eye contact...perhaps toss an aromatic treat his way and see if he will move toward you.  Calling out his name will drive him away.  It is soooo  counterintuitive but true.  I kept repeating this to an owner of a lost dog..she called crying because she had seen Maddie and called her name..Maddie ran.


I am so happy to see Titus was spotted again!!! I emailed once before saying that my mom and dad live on 110th and Hampton. We are going there again today so if it's warm enough I'll take my kids for a walk on the trail. I grew up there and know where you're talking about. I'm sure you know but that trail keeps going and it isn't far from that other dog park by Park Place. I don't know if he'd be attracted to that if he keeps going north. We do look for him everyday. My 3 year old knows what to do if we see him :) We keep Titus in our thoughts and I even had a dream I was on the phone with you. Hopeully that will be true later today! I have had your number stored in my phone, dog treats in my car, and keep my camera handy so I can take a pic too if I see him. My husband thinks I'm nuts. What will I do with my time once Titus is home! Laundry???


I just felt compelled to write you this morning.  Ever since your very first email, I have been following Titus' story.  I check the website twice a day to find out any new updates.  I'm SO HAPPY there was a major sighting last night.  It is obvious Titus is extremely intelligent and just trying to get back home.  I am the Office Manager for GMS - a landscaping company and I have flyers in all of our trucks and have talked to our team about Titus.  Our shop is located off of Silver Spring in Menomonee Falls (by Kohl's Corporate) and when they are out and about, they have been looking!   I just wanted to let you know that I pray multiple times a day for Titus' safety - and for him to return home SOON.  You and him need to reunite and continue your lives together.  It will happen very soon.  You are such a loyal and loving pet owner.  Titus is one luck dog!


I am so sorry to hear about your lost dog Titus. I have 4 dogs and I remember when three of them got out from a gate that hadn't been relocked, so I know the panic that you are feeling. I will say a prayer for both of you. It sounds crazy, but are there any good psycics that you could go to? You are doing all that you can to find him and you certainly have great ideas an are working your plan.  - Canada


This story is killing me.  I live in the area where he's been sighted and i can't stand the thought of him being alone and lost in my neighborhood.  please count me in for any search parties or what not.  In the meanwhile, i will try to take a nightly walk thru Pinelawn etc and be on the look out.  am posting your web site on my facebook wall, and others.   That dog needs to get home!!!!


I saw the trap by the dog park.  I hope he is hungry enough to take the bait.  I have a therapy cat I do volunteer work with and one of the groups I am involved with is Health Heelers.  The lady who organizes that group sent an e-mail to all other Health Heelers volunteers tonight about your search and with the link to the web site so word is getting out all over town.


Hello, I am a madacc officer and I have been checking areas for your dog too, however I was unaware of this sightings site you have.  Unfortunately, not alot of people call us reporting seeing your dog or at least I don't hear about them while I'm working. I did speak to a friend of yours who gave me the low down on the diffrences in your descriptions, I met him in the parkway, I also posted a craigslist ad hopeing people would post sighting on the list so I could track them easier from my phone. I will still continue to look for titus on my shift and during slow times. I f you need more advice in live trapping I have about 36 yrs experience and thats just in live type trapping. Let me know.


"Ok Titus, you may have to be renamed "Prodigal Son". Please come home."


We're praying for Titus - hang in there... hopefully those sweaty stinky socks will bring him home.  :-)


My husband had a great idea, I am the messenger. He thought maybe to ask the local choppers to keep an eye out for Titus. Wisn, Matt Saleme is constantly up in the sky. Todays' TMJ 4 is the same. The traffic crew could keep an eye open too . That would excelerate this process immensely.  Most of these guys are on Facebook here too for writing purposes.  I put fresh water out our back door in case he hits Melvina St.  Prayers have been said and we wish the best for your family.


I was out of town last week and just saw a link on Facebook about Titus that an old friend who now lives in California posted!! I have put the word out to my rescue community, so that if he ends up unidentified at MADACC or WI Humane, or another shelter for some reason, they will see it and let me know (although I am sure area shelters are well aware, and he’s still got his collar, as I understand it.)  How can I help?


My heart goes out to you, but my heart is very heavy right now for Titus.  I road around yesterday and today looking for him.  I have a leash in my car and a cell phone ready to go.  Today I road around before my bible study looking for Titus thinking there is only one who really knows where Titus is and that is God.  Hard to wrap your mind around! The first words out of the instructors mouth this morning was," We serve a God who is able", in other words God is truly able to lead Titus to your cage in the woods.  I am praying all day long.  First thing in the morning and the last thing at night I check your blog.  It makes me feel so much better knowing you are praying for peace and patience for me.  Wow can't stop crying, but I know he will come home soon. 


Just a thought, when you are out running and calling Titus's name, maybe you could take a megaphone with you.   The one with the batteries (they are louder)  The idea keeps coming to me so I guess I needed to share it with you.  Looks like they sell them at target.  THE BEST!!!!!!


"97th Pl and Keefe??? If he was spotted there this past weekend, he's staying close to home again. Come on Titus. Be a good boy and run up to someone. I know you're scared buddy, but trust one person to take you in unitl your Daddy can come get you!"


I live in the neighborhood and look for Titus everyday.  I always take the long way around the area on the way to and from wherever I am going. I'll bet there are MANY people looking that you don't even know about.  I think because they can relate to what you are going through.  You are living every pet owners nightmare. Alot of us feel your pain and totally understand what you are doing and your determination to find him.  I will continue to look and pray for you and Titus to be reunited.  Gods speed.


To make a long story short we had a similar thing happen to us I placed Jack a Golden rescue in Muskego and he chewed off the lead and was on the run.  So he was loose for almost a month.  But regardless of how things appeared and the fear of him not being captured and brought home was not an option or thought we were going to entertain.  So I am in agreement with you that Titus is going to be safe, captured and brought back home.  It is not the will of God that any harm be upon Titus and that The prayers of righteous availed much. 


I can't imagine what you must be going through. I have a 9 year old black lab who is very shy around strangers. I always worry about what would happen to her if she got away. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and hope that you are soon united with Titus.  I hope you don't have to wait 6 months to get your Titus back. But if it takes awhile, don't give up hope. Dogs are amazing creatures.


hello, been reading your blog and praying for your dogs safe return. my eyes tear up reading your words. hoping for his safe return. good luck, a reader in florida


I wish I lived closer!  Just read your blog (I am in Boston).  I volunteer with a group of people that helps reunite lost dogs with their owners.  Recently we were able to trap a dog that had been lost for 1 year (but I know it won't take that long to recover Titus).


SO sorry to hear about Titus. Fellow animal advocates contacted me today. I’ll send the link to your Titus webpage to all my therapy dog handlers to spread the word. Needless to say, they’re a dog-loving group.  A couple years ago I was notified of a dog that had been sighted repeatedly during the 6 months he was lost. I facilitated the placement of a live trap and Max was caught the next day and home less than 24 hours after that. Maybe you’ll have the same success.  I wish for you and Titus a happy reunion VERY soon!


I hope Titus returns soon!  From what I read on your site, he knows the dog park off of Capitol.  Wondering if it would be a good idea to camp there (if possible) ?  What do you think?


I don't know what I was thinking, I've got all of this camping stuff a real tent(although your ice shanty has become somewhat of a iconnic symbol for Titus' return).  If you wanted to camp elsewhere.  I also have a campstove, warm sleeping bags, coolers, a portable fireplace, etc.  Do you need anything for your "camp Titus" experience?  Let me know. Keep the faith, God cares about the creatures.


I pray you find Titus.  I am with you, I believe God looks out for the one's we love.  He is concerned about what concerns us.  I saw your story on ABC news this morning.  I am a Ridgeback lover, too.  I will be following your story.  - Texas


I live in Maryland, so unfortunately, I won't be able to help you look for Titus.  But I saw your story online, and your devotion to your dog is exactly what God intended when he gave us the gift of canines.  They give so much, and ask so little in return, other than love and loyalty (and a good meal!). You are certainly doing right by your pooch, and I sure hope you find him soon.  Don't give up!


Lay down the burden - its not yours, but HIS. Serenity prayer - this wisdom to know the difference. You and the insomniac network are doing far more than most - but he's in the creator's hand and creation. Not sure what he's eating - but I suspect there are more than a few unattended bowls in back yards where they normally ARE NOT.


No problem DJ!  I drove around in that same area today over lunch for about an hour and nothing.  Currie park, the cemetery, the parkway, alleys , etc.  I wish you the absolute best of luck and I'll be sending the prayers your way big time!!!  Hang in there DJ!!!  He is coming home soon!


Sir, I hope you find your dog. Wanted you to know that your story has hit down here in Cocoa, Florida. I found it on the internet. I know how I would feel if it were one of my dogs, so I hope and pray that Titus comes home.


Titus is beautiful. Pray to St Anthony to help you find him. He is the patron saint of lost items. It’s worth a try. I’m praying to him for you. Peace.  Kentucky.


I just saw this story online.  I'm in Tennessee, and totally inspired by this.   To all who have grown up with dogs and loved them like family members, I understand this mission completely.  I will be praying for Titus and praying for a miracle!!   Bless you!


I am passing along the info you provided.  Soon the entire State of Wisconsin will be looking for him, and hopefully somehow he will end up back safe at home. 


DJ – I read your last post.  My office is very close to Titus last sighting, I am going to go over lunch and drive around.  Let me know if you have a specific area you’d like to target.  Just call my cell.  He will be found!


Have you thought of putting together a searchparty for people to go out all at the same time? Create an event on FB and then assign areas? People that attend could send you their cell # and you could send mass text messages if he's spotted and people could respond according. Just a thought. I'd be in!


I don't know if this would help or not, but in reading some of the comments on Titus's search page I saw a suggestion to cook meat while you are camping out.  If it would help any, I have an old Coleman camp stove that I would be more than happy to lend you for that purpose.


My latest idea was for you to get good and sweaty in a couple of old t-shirts and rip them up in shreds and tie them to the trees/brush (at Titus nose level) on your  Menomonee Parkway running path and then have them lead Titus to your tent.  


I wanted to let you know that I live around the area Titus has been seen in.  I've put out fresh food and water if he does happen by my home. If I see him, I have your number in my phone and I'll call ASAP! I also drive Capitol all the way to Pilgrim on my way to work and on my way home.


FYI – Swan Park Neighborhood Assoc sent out this e-mail for Titus. This Tosa neighborhood is bordered by 92nd St, North Ave., Center St., and Menomonee River Parkway. (e-mail included link to this site).


Has Titus ever been lure coursing?  Would he recognize the sound of the motor?  If so, I have the equipment and could come up on the weekend to help look for him.


My husband Pete informed me that you would like to place a notice ad in a few of our newsletters about your missing dog. I am sorry for your loss and would like to help out in anyway I can. If you could please send me some information, maybe a couple sentences or bullet points long, I will have our designers put something together for some of our May Brookfield newsletters. Because we are finishing up with the design work, we would need something from you with in the next few days.  (Thank you to Julie at Neighborhood Communications, LLC who is posting a Titus ad for free!)


After reading about your training, I'm sure you're aware there are several lean-to's on the trails along the parkway and that there are extensive trails north and south of Burleigh and east and west of the Menomonee River between Burleigh and Hwy. 100.  I'm not sure where a lost dog might sleep but they might be worth looking at.  There is also that tepee in the woods on northeast corner of the Mount Mary grounds, I walked through there this a.m. with my dog but didn't see anything.


As you can see I work for M&I Bank and I wanted to let you know we have a display here where we can sell things to each other, kinda like Craigs list.  I put Titus out there and your website so many more people will see his website.  I also went looking last night and my husband looked this afternoon.  We will keep looking everyday and I am so sorry this had to happen.  I was thinking to check under the bridges, he maybe bedding under one of them at night.


I just had ordered a pizza and had a great idea. You could drop flyers off at all the local pizza delivery places in the hot zone and ask them to delivery them with their pizzas!


I wonder if it would be worthwhile to get some people together this weekend to sweep the parkway, if that is a possibility please post it on your website.




Stay warm.


It says you have run with him before … have you tried jogging around some of the neighborhoods and then camping out for a bit?  If he happens to be in that neighborhood he might pick up on the smell and follow it.  When exercising our scent is increased and he might recognize it from previous runs with you.  Long shot … but maybe worth a try since you are camping at locations anyway.


Hey D.J., If you’re going to camp out, you should bring some cooked meat with you, to attract Titus.  I’ll pray that you’re reunited soon.  I also forwarded your update email to people I know in that area. 


Thank you for the update – in fact, I just received it from someone else and already sent it out to my contacts. I’m planning on stuffing meat in my pockets this weeked and joining the search.  Perhaps a cook-out, while you’re camping out, is in order?  I’m sure he’s hungry and may be lured by the smell of grilled meat.


As a fellow dog lover, I can only imagine the pain and suffering you are going through right now.  May God be with you and give you strength during this time that Titus is away from you. 


Everytime I go work, I find myself looking down the streets for Titus.  Our thoughts are always with you.


You are a wonderful dad!  Good luck finding your dog.


Good luck DJ. I’ve been thinking about you guys! I really hope you find him. You both must be exhausted.


I’m so sorry to hear about Titus missing.  I’ve printed the flyer you provided and we are delivering them to our neighbors; especially those that have dogs (so as they are out walking their dogs, they can be on the lookout for Titus). 


I live in Milwaukee and was forwarded your flyer.  I have posted a message on the Washington Heights Neighborhood facebook page and asked residents to keep an eye out for Titus.  Our prayers are with you. 


I felt horrible last night thinking about the predicament Titus has gotten himself into.  I must admit I did drive around a bit last night in the Mt. Mary and parkway area “just in hopes” …..  But know there are caring people out there with their eyes wide open for your beautiful dog.   So word is getting out in the area and you are not alone in looking for him. 


DJ, when people sight Titus are they unable to round him up because he’s running away scared?


I happen to live in the area and take frequent walk through the woods.  I will be sure to get this to my brother and his friends that utilize the paths and bike trails as well.  


Saw your posting on lost dogs about titus I am off the next 2 days and live not to far from where he has been sighted, so mon and tues I will go in the area and see if I can help locate him. Best of luck and hope he gets home soon.


Stay focused and positive!! Rhodesians are troopers! My dog and I are praying for you and Titus...we'll be walking the Parkway/Mt. Mary area all week! Does Titus have a favorite treat I can keep on hand when we are walking that he can sniff out?


Many friends are looking and saying prayers that Titus will be found and returned home.



Lost Dog Stories & E-mails -- Encouraging


Similar story, I had a labrador many years ago that went missing 37 days later we found him. I just wanted to send you some positive encouragement and hope you find Titus soon.


Hi from Quebec, Just want to let you know that I check in daily to see if you caught him!  Sending positive energy from Montreal.  Oh we had a dog here that pulled a "Titus".  He was lost for 2 weeks during record breaking cold, snowy weather. He is safe and at home now :)


We are a family of 7 rescued dogs, all with incredible stories, and have saved many others whom made it to be rescued despite incredible odds. Clearly there is a greater level of spirituality involved with these dogs than we would ever have even considered.  Oh how God cares for these dear pets and He does hear our prayers.  While you are walking through this difficult time, I know you are looking to God.  -Nashville


Hey! I'm from Ohio and I know your pain. We Lost our Boxer several months ago but managed to recover him after 2 weeks. Amazingly we had someone spot him and leave out a can of wet dog food that had been microwaved. Apparently that makes the smell more intense. So if all else fails and you get a sighting! Try a stake out! You might end up attracting every animal in the area...but thats the idea! Good Luck to you! And I hope camp titus is an amazing success!


Just wanted to tell you a little story that might help you hang in there.  I had 4 of my dogs get out of my back yard on Christmas eve at 4am because someone has tried to break into my garage.  Three were recovered within minutes, but Daisy, a 35 lbs golden lab mix ran.  I searched everywhere, posted everywhere and even went to the pound 3 times a week for a solid month with no luck.  Finally on January 24th I gave up for good.  The next day Daisy was found at the local air force base and thank goodness someone posted the info on Craigslist.  She has survived outside for 30 days and other then being extremely skinny, she was in good health.  So hang in there and when Titus is ready you'll find him.


My rescue group WAAGR just had a dog returned that disappeared on March 12th.  He left his new home in Muskego and was found 50 miles away in Gurnee IL - he came from a home in IL (maybe he was heading home?).  He was also skittish and very hard to approach but when Lake County animal control showed up he jumped right into the truck. (After being on the run for a month he finally had enough).   We also had a dog disappear for 2 years - yes years.  She showed up 30 miles away in a lake.  Sounds like you're doing all the right things!  Don't give up hope.  Just hope he stays safe until you catch him.




5/8/2012 3:26 PM